
EOS 90 PH Hybrid

EOS90Hybrid LogoThe most recent and innovative opening system of Europa. The system optimizes the interior climate conditions of a building due its maximal thermal coefficients. A special combination of the modern design with straight lines and of the state-of-the-art technology in aluminium industry. EOS 90 Hybrid is certified for its passive qualities from the Passive House Institute (

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EOS 78 Hybrid

EOS 78 HybridEOS 78 Hybrid is the latest thermal break opening system of EUROPA. The system combines the robust design with the perfect thermal break coefficient and the modern aesthetic.

Soon available in the Manufacturers Network

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EOS 68 Hybrid

EOS 68 HybridEOS 68 Hybrid is the latest thermal break opening system of EUROPA. The system combines robust design with advanced insulation coefficients and ease of construction and installation.

Soon available in the Manufacturers Network

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EuropaIDThe industrial aesthetics, the exceptional performance coefficients, and the option for large constructions, make EUROPA ID a system that gives unique character to the area. The system has a variety of construction options.

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EOS 60 Hybrid

EOS 60 HybridEOS 60 Hybrid is the new aluminium system for windows and doors, specially designed to cover recent needs as also these of tomorrow. The system achieves significant reduction of building energy consumption and offers high level of natural lighting, outstanding performance in demanding climate conditions and security.

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EUROPA Hybrid A40 SI

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Europa A40 logo SIEUROPA Hybrid A40 SI thermal break opening system is the latest proposition by EUROPA as far as the ultimate thermal insulation is concerned. Its modern design, with straight profile lines meets every modern architectural requirement..

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EOS 8500 Hybrid

EOS 8500 HybridΗ σειρά EUROPA 8500 Hybrid είναι οικονομικό, θερμομονωτικό ανοιγόμενο σύστημα με απλές ίσιες γραμμές σχεδίασης. Διαθέτει απλό ή περιμετρικό μηχανισμό κλειδώματος.

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Europa 5500 Final Logo RedA unique combination of Thermal Break with high aesthetics and functionality, which offers a “strong identity” to every space.

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Europa 850EUROPA 850 series is a new Economical Opening Frame System with simple straight lines design

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Europa 500 Final Logo RedThe ideal choice for any opening application. The timeless classic design, impeccable finish and the absolute functionality, offer a perfect result in a great variety of architectural structures, thus meeting the highest customer requirements.

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