Netz Systemen


Η EIS 46PD είναι το νέο βελτιωμένο μοντέλο σήτας με plisse πανί και ερπύστρια που ήρθε στην αγορά για να αντικαταστήσει την EUROPA Plisse Deluxe. Είναι ένα μοντέλο σήτας ιδιαίτερης αισθητικής λόγω της εμφάνισης του πανιού που ξεχωρίζει και καθιστά το προϊόν και ως διακοσμητικό στοιχείο στο χώρο.

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Europa-FlexaEUROPA FLEXA is the latest insect screen system with caterpillar by EUROPA with a special type of advanced fiberglass clothing, which is straight and fire-proof.

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EUROPA Plisse 27

EUROPA PLISSE 27 is the standard and tested insect screen system. It comes with a silent motion system, bottom rail of 27mm width and 7mm height.

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EUROPA Plisse 22

EUROPA PLISSE 22 is the new horizontally operated insect screen without caterpillar and pleated mesh. The advantage of this system is the thinner, than most of the insect screen systems being sold, guides.

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Europa 880 Final Logo RedThe ideal proposal for Rolling and Opening Insect Screen, which meets even the strictest requirements. With a modern design and unique functionality, it is easy to use and perfectly applies on all the existing Aluminium Systems. Also suitable for replacing older Insect Screen Systems.

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